April 8, 2019 News

Tulips to Cannabis: Bubbles Will Burst

(March 30, 2019).  Tulips bankrupted thousands of investors, Dot.coms managed by amateurs bankrupted hundreds of thousands of investors, and so market participants have been warned that Cannabis companies with the lofty valuations as Dot.coms managed by the same type of amateurs will too burst.  Your dreams of becoming a successful investor will simply go up in smoke leaving your brokerage account with nothing more than ashes.

Morganti & Co. has been contacted by well over one-hundred investors within the past month complaining that they felt that they were mislead by both privately and publicly listed Cannabis industry companies.   Morganti & Co. can provide investors with realistic guidance supported by tangible court decisions as to how best to recover your financial losses under Canadian provincial laws.  We will align our interests with our clients by financing the litigation and only earning a fee if we are successful.  Additionally, we have the courtroom experience to handle all aspects of shareholder litigation without the necessity to associate outside counsel.

Morganti & Co. is currently serving as lead counsel to putative classes of investors against Cannabis industry companies Auxly Cannabis Group Inc., FSD Pharma Inc., and Namaste Technologies Inc.  The Firm has also been retained by individual investors that lost small fortunes in Aphria Inc., which will follow a different litigation track.