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April 20, 2023 News

Another Investment Gone Up in Smoke: Where are the Regulators?  

(April 13, 2023).  The Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Honourable E.M. Morgan, issued a direction that he will refrain from further motion practice so the representative investors in the 4 Canadian class actions can prepare to resolve all the claims on behalf of all investors that purchased Wayland Group Corp.’s securities in […]
April 20, 2023 News

Shareholders of Auxly Cannabis Group Inc. get access to Internal Documents: The truth will be exposed! 

(March 8, 2023) On behalf of shareholders, Class Counsel have been successful in reaching a Discovery Plan with Auxly Cannabis Group Inc. (“Auxly”) whereby it will turn over internal documents and emails of Chuck Rifici, Hugo Alves, and other insiders.   Previously, FSD Pharma, Inc. produced hundreds of pages of internal documents […]
June 14, 2022 News

Wayland Group Corp. (F/K/A, Maricann): Ontario Court Grants Access to the Court to Investors

(June 14, 2022) The Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Honourable E.M. Morgan, J., granted the investors motion to direct the register of the court to note Wayland Group Corp. (“WAYL”) in default pursuant to Rule 19.01(1) of the Rules of Civil Procedure. The investors’ causes of action are two-fold: […]
May 6, 2022 News

Wayland Group Corp. (f/k/a, Maricann): Quebec Court Quick to Protect Québécois Investors

(May 5, 2022)  Wayland Group Corp., (“WAYL”) filed papers seeking bankruptcy protection and it was liquidated by selling assets for pennies on the dollar ~ and back to the same sellers! Investors lost. The Court approved and issued a “Stay of Litigation” so that investors could not advance their claims […]
November 5, 2021 News

Ontario Division Court unanimously agrees to allow investors’ claims to advance against Auxly Cannabis Group, Inc.

(November 2, 2021) The Ontario Superior Court of Justice – Divisional Court (Justices Swinton, Sachs, and Favreau), 2021 ONSC 7117, have allowed the investor claims against Auxly Cannabis Group, Inc. to proceed forward into discovery and trial by denying the appeal of Justice Morgan’s straight-forward (tell-it-how-it-is) decision granting investors leave […]
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