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June 25, 2019 News

Alberta’s first statutory open-stock market decision seeks to protect shareholders

(June 24, 2019). The Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta has released its first decision relating to shareholders’ burden to seek “leave to proceed” with a statutory secondary market (a/k/a, open market purchase) claim against a responsible issuer.  The decision is identified as Stevens v. Ithaca Energy Inc., 2019 ABQB […]
April 12, 2019 News

Ontario Appellant Court will examine an Underwriters’ Duty of Care to Investors

(April 8, 2019).  In LBP Holdings Ltd. v. Hycroft Mining Corp., 2017 ONSC 6342, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Justice Perell) declined to certify a negligence misrepresentation class action claim against the underwriters of Hycroft Mining Corp.’s (“Hycroft”) secondary offering. The Plaintiff alleged that the prospectus associated with Hycroft’s […]
April 8, 2019 News

Protecting the Micro-Cap Investor: Colt Resources Inc.

(April 5, 2019).  Lawyers Andrew Morganti, Albert Pelletier, and Hadi Davarinia were successful in earning the Ontario Superior Court of Justice’s approval to grant their clients’ motion for leave to proceed towards discovery and trial against Colt Resources Inc. (“Colt”) and several of its former officers and directors.  The decision […]
April 8, 2019 News

Tulips to Cannabis: Bubbles Will Burst

(March 30, 2019).  Tulips bankrupted thousands of investors, Dot.coms managed by amateurs bankrupted hundreds of thousands of investors, and so market participants have been warned that Cannabis companies with the lofty valuations as Dot.coms managed by the same type of amateurs will too burst.  Your dreams of becoming a successful […]
March 7, 2019 News

News Alert to Canadian Publicly Listed Companies: Continuous Disclosure Obligations Trump the Business Judgment Rule

(March 7, 2019).  Morganti & Co. is please to announce that it represented investors against Ithaca Energy Inc. (“Ithaca Energy”) in Alberta’s first “leave to proceed” motion to advance to trial hearing.  Prior to going to trial the plaintiff investor (a/k/a, representative investor) must obtain leave to proceed to trial […]
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